When you initialize your new API project using our CLI, you will see a .config/modules.json file created. It contains configurations the CLI uses when adding new modules to your project. See The CLI for more information.

NOTE: This configuration file is not required if you're copying code from our GitHub repo.

Most modifications to this file can break the CLI’s functionality, but here are a few things you can safely adjust if needed.


Specifies the package manager used to install dependencies. Change this if you switch to a different package manager after initial setup.

    "packageManger": "npm" | "pnpm" | "yarn",


This property indicates whether Docker containers should be configured when installing new modules. Set this to false if you decide to stop using Docker.

    "docker": true | false


Defines the schema validator for request payloads. If you change the validator in your codebase, update this property so the CLI installs the correct dependencies accordingly.

    "schemaValidator": "zod" | "yup" | "none"


Set your main database here. If you change databases, update this property so the CLI can install the appropriate DB repositories and schemas. See Databases for supported DB engines.

    "database": "postgres"


This section allows path overrides for core files in your Node.js project. Update these properties if you change the folder structure after initialization.

By default, the CLI considers ./src as the root directory for all files. For example, "controllers": "controllers" will store controller files in ./src/controllers.


Specifies the folder path for storing controller files, where you’ll implement business logic.

    "folderOverrides" : {
        "controllers": "controllers"


Defines the location for endpoint route files.

    "folderOverrides" : {
        "routes": "routes"


Sets the path for middleware files, allowing you to configure custom middleware for Express.js.

    "folderOverrides" : {
        "middleware": "middleware"


Specifies where helper and miscellaneous utility scripts are stored.

    "folderOverrides" : {
        "utils": "utils"